Agnostic 뜻? 불가지론?
정보통신, 컴퓨터, 딥러닝 계열의 논문에서 가끔씩 등장하는 단어 agnostic, task-agnostic 사전을 찾아보면 "불가지론자" "독단적 의견에 사로잡히지[얽매이지] 않는" Agnostic : 다양한 시스템 간에 상호 운용이 가능하도록 일반화된 것; Agnostic, in an information technology(IT) context, refers to something that is generalized so that it is interoperable among various systems. The term can refer not only to software and hardware, but also to business processes or practices. 참조 https://..